
Past the white sand beaches and beautiful waters lies some of the world's most unique geological features and wild life...

A Vancouver couple decides to eat only rescued food for six months. What they find is shocking: truckloads of perfectly...

Madagascar is the oldest island in the world, whose isolation has led to a large number of unique animals, including its famous lemurs.

The hunt is on for a coyote who doesn't turn out to be what people think he is. Hope needs to find a new home for the ravens, who've worn out their welcome at the rehab centre.

On the edge of Dawson City, Yukon, a handful of unlikely farmers are growing everything from snow-covered Brussels sprouts to apples in this otherwise unforgiving wilderness.

A little fox with major health problems needs multiple surgeries to survive, and four raptors are ready to leave Hope for Wildlife.

Hope and her team scramble to rescue a litter of orphaned fox pups. She then faces a tough decision about an owl that may be carrying a disease deadly to humans.

Hope needs to prepare for her most important fundraiser of the year, but Mother Nature has other plans. The spring baby boom begins and Hope is up to her neck in orphaned raccoons and squirrels.