
A powerful family dynasty, illicit activies and murder intersect in this crime series set in the port city of Vigo...

In this gripping Japanese crime drama, two women team up to get to the truth behind a vicious sexual assault near a US...

Haunted by the unsolved disappearance of his wife, Brighton-based detective Roy Grace is drawn into investigations that...

Based on the Constable books by Nicholas Rhea, Heartbeat follows the adventures of the local police and residents of the...

Drug squad cop Oskari and and former addict Krista, who have a son together, grow increasingly entangled when she...

Set in Australia, this legal-political thriller follows senior Crown prosecutor Janet King as she works on high-profile...

In this spin-off of the iconic Inspector Morse series, DI Robbie Lewis and his partner DS James Hathaway investigate...

Gabriel Menck, a police negotiator in Sao Paulo, is an expert at resolving crisis situations. But when he becomes the...

Facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer's, a prim retired court clerk in Istanbul becomes a vigilante to avenge a horrible crime...

Cleaver Greene is a brilliant and charming Sydney criminal defense attorney whose self-destructive personal life often...

Ken Stott stars as world-weary detective John Rebus. Based on the bestselling novels by Ian Rankin, Rebus’...

Haunted by her past, flawed but brilliant criminal profiler Reyka untangles dark secrets and chilling mysteries in South...

Run weaves together the stories of four seemingly unconnected people facing life-changing decisions in a world where...

Stretching from the red desert of Australia's outback to Canberra, this thrilling crime drama tells the story of two...

A retired Stockholm cop tries to live a quiet life in his hometown in northern Sweden, but is pulled into investigating...

Sharp-witted and stubbornly determined, DCI Vera Stanhope investigates crimes amidst the rural beauty of Northumberland...

Chacur is kidnapped and taken to an abandoned prison. Menck tries to negotiate but realizes that the kidnapper isn't planning to get out of this alive.

When an Oxford housewife is found hanged at home, Lewis and Hathaway unearth a far more sinister case than the initial suicide verdict suggests.

A key person on Agah's hit list is spared after he learns that letting them live incurs more suffering than the relief of death.

Menck undergoes a long interrogation with the internal affairs officer about the night his wife, Sophia, died. Afterwards, he discovers threats to his life.

When an attempted assassination is carried out on Hilda Pierce, Foyle must re-examine her top secret role within Special Operations Executive during the war.

The "Dog Killer" website arouses interest, and a nursing home patient threatens Agah's anonymity. Nevra learns the truth behind the Kambura fire.

Troubled detective Roy Grace finds himself pulled into an investigation by his old friend, DS Branson, involving a high-profile Brighton property developer who vanished without a trace on his stag night.

When the son of a high-profile Jewish businessman is attacked on the grounds of a university, Foyle wonders whether it was motivated by anti-Semitism.

Bodies and clues pile up as the residents of Kambura demand answers. Agah goes to great lengths to conceal his diagnosis from his daughter.

The discovery of a deceased addiction support worker in the beautiful but unforgiving wilds of the national park leads Vera to investigate a deeply private woman's life.

When Rosie is attacked after finding a dead body, Walker and Rachel's investigation leads them to a sinister local cult. Peggy does her best to sell a batch of turkeys, but it's not Christmas!

Having returned from a two-year assignment in the British Virgin Islands, Inspector Lewis and his new assistant Sergeant Hathaway are assigned to investigate the murder of an American college student.

Time is running out for Nevra in Kambura. An unreliable confession complicates the case as another body is discovered - along with more messages to Nevra.