Trish Neufeld

“I think in today’s media landscape, the role that Knowledge plays is a hugely important one. It’s a place where people can trust that the stories are true and honest.”

A Daughter’s Gift 

It was a full circle moment for Trish Neufeld when her first feature-length documentary, Dancing with Mom, aired on Knowledge. The film, which follows Trish and her mother’s journey together after she is diagnosed with a rare form of dementia, is a deeply touching portrait of their changing relationship. Trish grew up watching Knowledge with her mother, Pat, who was a longtime donor. 

“It was so special to not only be given the opportunity to make the film, but to show it on a platform that meant something to her,” says Trish. “She would have been so proud. And so was I.”

Trish initially approached Knowledge with footage she had of the journey she and her mother went on and the idea for a mother-daughter documentary. She’s so grateful they saw the story potential in her experiences of caring for a parent with dementia. “It was wonderful to have Knowledge as a partner to create the film,” she says. “And then the response when it aired – the people who wrote and shared their own experiences – it just affirmed all the reasons why I made it.”

Trish wants to ensure that other BC filmmakers have the same opportunities. It’s why she became a Knowledge Legacy Circle donor on behalf of herself and her mother, who also left a gift to Knowledge in her will. 

“I think in today’s media landscape, the role that Knowledge plays is a hugely important one. It’s a place where people can trust that the stories are true and honest. They are our own stories with our own way of telling them. They have heart. They reflect who we are in this province.”

Trish feels blessed that she had the opportunity to tell the story of her mother’s life and legacy. “She was so worthy of it. It was hard to watch her change and deteriorate through our journey, but it was also cathartic to be able to make a film about the experience. As hard as it was, it’s very rewarding when I hear from someone about how much the film touched them. I’m also thrilled that Dancing with Mom has helped my career progress rapidly. I’ve just completed directing a three-episode series for Amazon Prime and have several projects in development because of the opportunity I was given by Knowledge Network.”

Stream Dancing with Mom now on and the K: app.

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