Bones of Crows

Bones of Crows

Unfolding over 100 years, this sweeping drama by powerhouse BC-based director, Marie Clements (Métis/Dene), tells the story of Cree matriarch Aline Spears and her family - a multi-generational epic of resilience, survival and the pursuit of justice.


Unfolding over 100 years, this sweeping drama by powerhouse BC-based director, Marie Clements (Métis/Dene), tells the story of Cree matriarch Aline Spears and her family - a multi-generational epic of resilience, survival and the pursuit of justice.

Fri Sep 20, 10:00pm E2 To Be Separated
Sat Sep 21, 2:00am E2 To Be Separated
Fri Sep 27, 10:00pm E3 To Be Denied
Sat Sep 28, 2:00am E3 To Be Denied
Fri Oct 4, 10:00pm E4 To Let Go
Sat Oct 5, 2:00am E4 To Let Go
Fri Oct 11, 10:00pm E5 To Be Here
Sat Oct 12, 2:00am E5 To Be Here